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Service Item Definitions

News Release (client may provide photo)

News Release (client may provide photo)

MGM Word Studio, Inc. will research and write an exciting news release announcement aimed at getting the attention of targeted media. Research for the news release will be conducted through phone interview(s). Clients may provide a photo to be sent along with the news release.


While there is no guarantee that targeted media will use the provided materials, when they do, you will get exposure that advertising can't begin to buy. Most people pay more attention to items in the news than in advertising.  MGM is a seasoned journalist who has worked in all types of media. MGM knows how to best tailor your message for the best chance of exposure.  She also has many contacts within the local media market.


Your news release may be just the kernel to be included in a bigger project like a brochure or a newsletter. MGM Word Studio, Inc. can also provide you with professional results creating these items. Please go to the A LA CARTE SERVICES page for more details.


News Release with Custom Photo

MGM Word Studio, Inc. will research and write an exciting news release announcement aimed at getting the attention of targeted media. Research for the news release can be conducted through phone interview(s) or in person. MGM Word Studio, Inc. will take a series of photos so an image can be sent out with your news release.  PLEASE NOTE: This service is only offered within the Central New York area, (Syracuse and its surrounding communities).


While there is no guarantee that targeted media will use the provided materials, when they do, you will get exposure that advertising can't begin to buy. Most people pay more attention to items in the news than in advertising.  MGM is a seasoned journalist who has worked in all types of media. MGM knows how to best tailor your message for the best chance of exposure.  She also has many contacts within the local media market.


Your news release may be just the kernel to be included in a bigger project like a brochure or a newsletter. MGM Word Studio, Inc. can also provide you with professional results creating these items. Please go to the A LA CARTE SERVICES DESCRIPTIONS page for more details.

Facebook Page Set-up (client provides photos if necessary)

A Facebook page can help your event or business attract participants/clients. MGM Word Studio, Inc. will set up a Facebook fan page for your event/business to generate interest. The set-up will include setting up a cover and profile photo for the page along with all the pertinent information you provide. It will possible for members of your group/business to invite others on social media to the event or ask others to 'like' your page via the Facebook platform.  You will also be able to post updates and additional information. An event page in Facebook can even measure anticipated participation by tallying those who plan to attend.  Revisions after first proof are included. Revisions after second proof may involve additional fees.


Calendar Postings

In addition to sending your news release to targeted media, MGM Word Studio, Inc., will distribute your event's information and image to targeted online event calendars.


Logo Design

MGM Word Studio, Inc., based on your input, will create three logos from which you can choose the image you like best to represent your event. Revisions after first proof are included. Revisions after second proof may involve additional fees. A custom photo can be added for an additional fee.


Program Design

MGM Word Studio, Inc. will design a program for your event from information and images you provide. The format of the program will be dependent on the printing method chosen. (Printing is not provided, although MGM Word Studio, Inc. can offer printing advice and get a quote for printing fees from vendors). Revisions after first proof are included. Revisions after second proof may involve additional fees. Custom photos can be added for an additional fee.

WIX Web Page Set-up

MGM Word Studio, Inc., based on the information and images you provide, will create a professional website for you using the free website platform WIX. WIX offers a number of templates as a starting point for your design. The page is hosted by WIX for free using a domain name they designate for you. MGM Word Studio, Inc. will use a WIX template of your choosing to create a custom website for you. Revisions after first proof are included. Revisions after second proof may involve additional fees.


Free Facebook Posts

MGM Word Studio, Inc., exclusively administers two Facebook pages:  Discover Central New York Businesses and Discover Marcellus.  Your event/business information will be posted on these pages.  Discover Marcellus alone has more than 2,000 fans.


Business Card Design (printing and shipping not included)

MGM Word Studio, Inc. will design a business card to your specifications. (MGM can order printing at a extremely reduced rate.  Printing fees and shipping are not included). Revisions after first proof are included. Revisions after second proof may involve additional fees. A custom photo can be added for an additional fee.

3-Panel Brochure Design without or with custom photos (printing and shipping not included)

MGM Word Studio, Inc., based on the information and images you provide, (or with MGM custom photos), will create a professional brochure for you. Format may be determined by method of reproduction. (MGM can order printing at a extremely reduced rate.  Printing fees and shipping are not included). Revisions after first proof are included. Revisions after second proof may involve additional fees. Custom photos can be added for an additional fee.


Newsletter Design

MGM Word Studio, Inc., based on your input, will create three design templates from which you can choose the style you like best. After the style is selected, MGM Word Studio, Inc. will create with your articles and images a 4-page newsletter.  Format may be determined by method of reproduction. (MGM can order printing at a extremely reduced rate.  Printing fees and shipping are not included). Revisions after first proof are included. Revisions after second proof may involve additional fees. Custom photos and articles can be added for an additional fee.

News Release with Custom Photo
Facebook Page Set-up
Logo Design
Program Design
WIX Web Page Set-up
Business Card Design
3-Panel Brochure
Free Facebook posts
Calendar Postings
Newsletter Design
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